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And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
- Mark 16:15 NKJV

Local Bible Studies

Glendale Road offers personal and correspondence Bible Studies. Some inquiries come from the Caring and Sharing Center, while others are turned in by members of the congregation who know relatives, friends and acquaintances who are interested in a personal Bible study or correspondence courses. A series of Bible correspondence lessons are sent to those requesting them. When returned, these lessons are graded and sent back to the student with a letter encouraging a personal Bible study. There are also personal Bible studies being conducted at the local jail on a regular basis.

Away From Home


India Missions Work

Gary Hill through the Viva Drive Church of Christ

In early 2012 the Glendale Road church became the overseeing congregation of Luc Bouquet as full-time missionary in the Central Plateau of Haiti. Luc is a native of Mirebalais, Haiti. He has a B.A. in Bible and Preaching, and Master’s in Nursing Science. His wife is Phenide, and they have three children, Ralph, Jennica and John, all in college. Our goal is to establish God’s church in the Central Plateau region of Haiti (12 cities and 113 villages, population of over one million). We are excited about the opportunities for evangelizing this area and thankful for God opening these mission fields.

Hispanic Mission at Seven Oaks Church of Christ in Mayfield



In February 2012 the Glendale Road congregation sent a small team to southern Honduras for the first time. They worked with a team for Harpeth Hills Church of Christ, Nashville, Tenn., and several other congregations. Mission Lazarus Honduras focuses on planting and growing churches across Honduras through educational, medical, agricultural and spiritual outreaches.


Phillip Norwood — Whitesville, N.C.
Phillip Norwood is the brother of our sister Beth Falwell and the son of our late beloved M.F. and Inez Norwood. Phillip graduated from Heritage Christian University, Florence, Ala. He has been working with the Whiteville Church of Christ, Whiteville, N.C., as minister for the last seven years. Phillip and his wife, Patsy, have made great strides in this mission area. Hartsville Pike Church of Christ, Gallatin, Tenn., has the oversight of the work.

Ronald Coleman
Ronald Coleman is the brother-in-law of our sisters Hazel Berkley and and the late Ruby Herndon. Ronald has done mission work in London, Ukraine, Samoa, Fiji, Australia, Russia, Tasmania and South America. He has also preached and taught in Guyana and Zimbabwe. Ronald has worked in the mission field for over 20 years. The Centerville Road Church of Christ in Garland, Texas, is Ronald’s sponsoring congregation. Glendale Road supplies some financial support to his work.

Special Campaigns
Money has been budgeted to help our members who want to go on a special campaign. Since 1975 Glendale Road members have been actively involved in mission trips outside of Murray. In the coming year we have mission trips planned to Honduras, Romania and Haiti. Members interested in going on one of these trips should contact someone on the mission committee.

Special Missions
This item is budgeted to help relieve the burden of people who are not in our congregation and wish to go on campaigns. Glendale Road receives requests from our sister congregations for funds to assist their members to go on campaigns. The mission committee reviews each request and makes a decision on each one. A Special Mission Fund has been in place at Glendale Road for a number of years.

Worldwide Evangelism
Harvey Starling leads the World-wide Evangelism Program. This program is under the oversight of the Midway Church in Madison, Ala.. Harvey has been conducting campaigns in the United States and overseas for many years. At this time the greatest emphasis is in Romania where he works with seven different congregations. This work is carried out through the distribution of Bibles, booklets and tracts, and then follow up contacts with individuals expressing an interest in studying the Bible. Harvey directs a Bible Training School and leads teaching teams throughout the year. Glendale Road has helped with Harvey’s personal expenses for a number of years and supported the program with teachers and other monetary contributions.

Zambia Missions — Mapepe Bible College
This work is an outreach of the Sycamore View Church of Christ in Memphis, Tenn. Mapepe Bible College was started to help train leaders for small struggling congregations in Zambia and to evangelize the seven countries around it. David French and his wife, Lorie, moved to Zambia in 2004 to start the school. They work to train leaders who can lead churches to maturity in Christ, leaders who can confront the spread of Islam, and leaders who can take Jesus to urban areas. The French’s are dedicated to the training and development of self-supporting church leaders, spiritually- and ministerially equipped to go forth as church planning missionaries and servant leaders. Glendale Road has been helping in this work for the past two years.

World Bible School

World Bible School is a Bible correspondence course system used to teach God’s word all over the world. Now over one million people are studying the Bible by mail in nearly every country of the world. The WBS at Glendale Road sends about 12,000 lessons each year, resulting in many conversions. The work also includes over 600 campaigns a year with WBS students. It is the best evangelistic tool in the brotherhood today. In 2014, WBS lessons were handed out during a campaign to Guyana, South America. Shawn Simmons assists in the WBS program.

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